
"near misses" in Spanish

"near misses" in English

Context examples for "near misses" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Near-misses are being reported more frequently.
Se están notificando percances con mayor frecuencia.
Many of the most recent railway accidents and near-misses have been due to maintenance failings.
Muchos de los accidentes ferroviarios y situaciones peligrosas más recientes han sido provocados por fallos en el mantenimiento.
Moreover, airspace is becoming increasingly crowded, leading to many near misses.
A esto se añade que el aire se llena cada vez más, de modo que se multiplica el número de situaciones en las que no se producen accidentes de puro milagro.
It was also pointed out that seven amendments deal with the need to include so-called 'near misses' in the directive.
Se ha dicho también que siete enmiendas se refieren a la necesidad de incluir los «casi accidentes», los llamados near misses .
It was also pointed out that seven amendments deal with the need to include so-called 'near misses ' in the directive.
Se ha dicho también que siete enmiendas se refieren a la necesidad de incluir los« casi accidentes», los llamados near misses.
The Council wishes to include only the most serious accidents, but it may well be equally valuable to learn from minor accidents, indeed even near-misses.
El Consejo desea incluir sólo los accidentes más graves, pero puede ser igualmente valioso aprender de los accidentes menores, incluso aunque se consideren percances.