
"mutual fund" in Spanish

"mutual fund" in English

Context examples for "mutual fund" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
mutual fund
sociedad de inversión mobiliaria
Accordingly, the Commission will consider carefully the creation of a mutual stabilisation fund based on public and private co-financing.
Por consiguiente, la Comisión estudiará detenidamente la creación de un fondo estabilizador común basado en la cofinanciación pública y privada.
It is high time that this question should come out into the open, and along with it, mutual investment fund organizations, and at a later date, tax harmonization.
Sería útil que éste pudiera por fin ver la luz, al igual que los organismos de inversión colectivos de valor mobiliaria y, ulteriormente, la armonización fiscal.
A financial service, whether a savings vehicle like a pension or a mutual fund or just a simple bank account, is by its nature ethereal and intangible.
Un servicio financiero -ya se trate de un mecanismo de ahorro, como una pensión o un fondo de inversión inmobiliaria o una simple cuenta bancaria- es por naturaleza etérea e intangible.