
"minor problem" in Spanish

"minor problem" in English

Context examples for "minor problem" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I will not announce the result of the final vote until this minor problem is sorted out.
No anunciaré el resultado de la votación final hasta que se solucione este pequeño problema.
One thing is certain: the climate debate is just a minor part of our problem.
Una cosa es cierta: el debate sobre el clima constituye únicamente una parte menor de nuestro problema.
This is not an isolated or indeed a minor problem.
No es un problema aislado, no se trata de un problema menor.
Do not think that this is a minor problem.
No crea que se trata de un problema menor.
I was somewhat surprised to have been given the floor, but I hope that I have been able to help resolve this minor problem.
En cierto modo me ha sorprendido que me hayan dado la palabra, pero espero haber ayudado a resolver este problema menor.
We have a minor Internet problem.
Tenemos un problema leve con Internet.
I regret that in the end, because of the problem of minor offences, we have not been able to reach an agreement on this initiative.
Lamento que, al final, por el problema de las faltas leves, no hayamos sido capaces de llegar a un acuerdo sobre esta iniciativa.
There is, however, a relatively minor problem concerning the revenue amendments referred to in paragraphs 24 and 25 of our report.
No obstante, se plantea un problema relativamente menor que atañe a las enmiendas de los ingresos que figuran en los apartados 24 y 25 de nuestro informe.
That is our position, and I think that if we pursue this, we shall see - and I am quite sure that this will happen - that this universal service actually dwindles into a minor problem.
Esta es nuestra posición y creo que si la seguimos veremos que este asunto del servicio universal se reduce a un pequeño problema.
The only minor problem we encountered, which reflected the large turnout of enthusiasm to participate in the election, was slight overcrowding in some polling stations.
El único problema menor que encontramos y que refleja la enorme explosión de entusiasmo por participar en las elecciones, fue una ligera aglomeración en algunos colegios electorales.