
"military arm" in Spanish

"military arm" in English
In the same way, Turkey easily regained the connivance of Albania, and its military arm, the KLA.
Asimismo, Turquía recuperó fácilmente la connivencia albanesa y su brazo armado, que es la UCK.
Together, Europe and the United States are seeking to impose this army as the military arm of the IMF-World Bank-WTO triangle.
Europa y Estados Unidos, conjuntamente, tratan de imponer este ejército como brazo armado del triángulo FMI-Banco Mundial-OMC.

Context examples for "military arm" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The European Union is currently developing a military arm within the second pillar.
La Unión Europea está en estos momentos desarrollando un pie militar dentro del segundo pilar.
This is notably the only party in Cambodia which has no military arm.
Entiéndase bien que se trata del único partido de Camboya que no dispone de ala militar.
In the same way, Turkey easily regained the connivance of Albania, and its military arm, the KLA.
Asimismo, Turquía recuperó fácilmente la connivencia albanesa y su brazo armado, que es la UCK.
Together, Europe and the United States are seeking to impose this army as the military arm of the IMF-World Bank-WTO triangle.
Europa y Estados Unidos, conjuntamente, tratan de imponer este ejército como brazo armado del triángulo FMI-Banco Mundial-OMC.
Too often children are the first civilian victims of war and they should not be made the military arm of factions or nations in conflict.
Los niños, que son en gran parte las primeras víctimas de las guerras, no deben convertirse en los brazos armados de bandos o de naciones en conflicto.