
"meramente formal" in English

"meramente formal" in English
meramente formal{adjective}
pro forma{adj.} [form.] (agreement, compliance)

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Context examples for "meramente formal" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Considero que se trata de una cuestión meramente formal y desde luego no sustancial.
I think this is just a formality and certainly not a question of any substance.
Esto implica algunas pequeñas modificaciones de naturaleza meramente lingüística y formal.
This involves a number of minor changes of a purely formal and linguistic nature.
En algunos países esta ejecución ha sido lenta e incluso meramente formal.
In some countries, however, implementation has been slow and even formal.
Es necesario garantizar que los procedimientos democráticos no tengan un carácter meramente formal o simbólico.
We need to ensure that democratic procedures do not have a merely formal or symbolic meaning.
No obstante, esta externalización debe supervisarse de manera más activa y coherente, y no meramente formal.
This externalisation, however, needs to be supervised more actively, more coherently and not in a way that merely goes through the motions.
Si es así, el mantenimiento de una sola resolución sería meramente formal y, en ese caso, retiro la de nuestro Grupo
If that is the case, maintaining a single motion would be a mere formality, in which case I withdraw our group's motion for a resolution.
El primero es meramente formal.
The first is purely formal.
A menos que el Estado desempeñe un papel activo y no meramente formal, este problema seguirá siendo irresoluble y se acumularán las peticiones de las defraudadas víctimas.
Unless the state plays an active and not just a formal role, this problem will remain truly intractable and the petitions from defrauded victims will accumulate.
Hablo especialmente del respeto al principio non bis in idem, del derecho a una defensa genuina y no meramente formal y, desde luego, de los derechos de las víctimas.
I am thinking particularly of respect for the principle of double jeopardy, of the right to a genuine, rather than a merely formal, defence and, indeed, of victims' rights.