
"¡me parece justo!" in English

"¡me parece justo!" in English

Similar translations for "¡me parece justo!" in English
us- me
Context examples for "¡me parece justo!" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por consiguiente, me parece justo y apropiado recurrir al Fondo en este caso.
I therefore believe that it is fair and appropriate to apply the Fund in this case.
En primer lugar, hay una serie de aspectos positivos que me parece justo destacar.
First of all, there are a number of positive features I think there is good reason for looking at.
Me parece justo que les ayudemos siempre que esté justificado.
It seems only right to me that we should support them as far as is justified.
Me parece justo responderles por escrito puesto que no quiero robarles demasiado tiempo.
It would be fair to answer them in written form as I do not want to take too much of your time.
Me refiero, por ejemplo, a la mantequilla, y no me parece justo.
I am thinking of butter, for example, and this does not seem fair to me.
Dicho sistema me parece justo; voto, por lo tanto, a favor.
This system seems a fair one to me, and I therefore voted in favour of it.
Me parece justo destacar su trabajo por dos motivos.
I think there are two good reasons for highlighting this work.
No me parece justo que se rechacen y se cuestionen de entrada todas las afirmaciones de la parte rusa.
I do not think that it is fair for us to call into question or reject everything that the Russian side says a priori.
Me parece justo que Yugoslavia esté pasando por un momento un poco más crítico por efecto de unas sanciones dolorosas.
I believe it is true that the sanctions, which are hurting, have made time a more critical issue for Yugoslavia.
- Señor Onesta, me parece justo enviar el texto de su intervención al Presidente de la Convención, el Presidente Giscard d'Estaing.
Mr Onesta, I think a copy of your speech should be sent to the Chairman of the Convention, Mr Giscard d'Estaing.
Y no me parece justo.
It does not seem right to me to vote on nothing.
Me parece justo no incluir a adultos incapaces en ensayos clínicos que se podrían realizar sobre adultos capaces.
It seems to me right not to include adults incapable of giving consent in clinical trials that could be carried out on adults who are capable.
me parece justo advertirte
I feel it's only fair to warn you
No me parece justo.
I actually think this is unfair.
No me parece justo.
I consider that inappropriate.
Eso no me parece justo.
That seems wrong to me.
No me parece justo que el Sr. Martens asocie nuestros nombres con unas manifestaciones de la agencia de noticias Belga, que, en parte, no eran correctas.
I do not think it is right for Mr Martens to associate our names with statements by the Belga press agency, which were partially incorrect.
Así, pues, no me parece justo criticar a los Estados Unidos ni a ningún otro país por no idear una política mágica que resuelva el problema.
So I do not think it is fair to castigate either the United States or anybody else for not coming up with a magical policy which will solve the problem.
Muchos trabajadores de estos países circulan dentro de Europa y, por lo tanto, me parece justo que ellos también puedan beneficiarse de una única pensión.
Many workers from these Mediterranean countries move around Europe and it seems only fair to me that they should have access to the benefits of a single pension.
Como se desprende de mi enmienda, me parece justo que un Estado miembro que consiga un ahorro pueda destinar ese dinero al desarrollo rural dentro de sus fronteras.
As is evident from my amendment, it is only fair that the Member State that makes the saving should be able to use these monies for rural development within its borders.