
"married couple" in Spanish

"married couple" in Spanish
esposos{m pl}
It is the married couple themselves who must in the last analysis arrive at these judgments before God.
En su modo de obrar, los esposos

Synonyms (English) for "married couple":
Context examples for "married couple" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
A married couple with Swedish citizenship take up residence in Malta.
Un matrimonio de nacionalidad sueca establece su residencia en Malta.
married couple must practise an affectionate sharing of thought and common
comunicación y unión de propósitos entre los cónyuges
It is the married couple themselves who must in the last analysis arrive at these judgments before God.
de la propia Iglesia. En último término, son los mismos esposos los que deben formar este juicio ante Dios. En su modo de obrar, los esposos
the newly married couple
los recién casados
Let me give you another example: A young married couple, friends of mine, have just had a baby and the parents share one job, that of looking after their baby.
Dejen que ponga otro ejemplo: un matrimonio joven, amigos míos, acaba de tener un niño y los padres comparten la tarea de cuidarlo.
the married couple
los cónyuges
a married couple
un matrimonio
Immediately after the voting on Monday, I thought that perhaps the report had come to resemble a Christmas tree when a newly-married couple combine their Christmas traditions for the first time.
Dado que es usted el siguiente en la lista de oradores, señor Comisario, puede, si lo desea, responder ahora a la pregunta de la señora Brepoels.
A look at the life of the Church today reveals that Christians are increasingly more convinced that the married couple and the Christian family are the means towards sanctification.
Una mirada a la vida de la Iglesia en nuestros días hace notar que entre los cristianos ha crecido la convicción de que la pareja y la familia cristianas son fuentes de santificación.