
"magnanimidad" in English

"magnanimidad" in English
desarrollar todos estos valores, a vivirlos con magnanimidad y alegría y a
develop all these values: to live them with magnanimity and joy and to perfect
Sin embargo, pienso que debemos disponernos a mostrar cierta magnanimidad y que estamos obligados a aceptar una ampliación desordenada y nada hermosa.
I believe, however, that we must contrive to show magnanimity and that we are obliged to accept that enlargement will be messy and untidy.
Su compromiso entusiasta y su magnanimidad nos llevaron a aunar fuerzas en aras del interés y del bien comunes, a pesar de nuestras diferencias políticas.
His enthusiastic involvement and magnanimity meant that we joined forces to promote common causes and the common good, in spite of our political differences.

Context examples for "magnanimidad" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Este es mi undécimo año como Comisario y espero poder completarlo, si la magnanimidad del Parlamento lo permite.
I am now in my eleventh year as a Commissioner. If Parliament is gracious to me, I shall see out my term.
Espero que sepa aprovechar esta enorme oportunidad con magnanimidad, sin aferrarse a lo conseguido.
Please, do not get too caught up in these less important, self-interested aspects, but rather see this great opportunity.
Por ello, mi grupo político insiste en que la decisión de la compra debe dejarse en manos de consumidores informados que no dependan de actos de magnanimidad de una burocracia.
That is why my group is being so tenacious about this. Consumers ought to be making purchasing decisions armed with proper information, not at the mercy of bureaucrats.