
"legal capacity" in Spanish

"legal capacity" in English

Context examples for "legal capacity" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Registration in this manner confers full legal capacity on the EEIG throughout the EU.
El registro público de la documentación otorga plena capacidad jurídica a las AEIE en toda la UE.
This Treaty gives the European Union more legal capacity to act and ensures more democracy.
Este Tratado confiere a la Unión Europea más capacidad jurídica para actuar y garantizar una mayor democracia.
The legal and administrative capacity to form a fully viable society based on the rule of law has been strengthened, but more is still required.
Se ha reforzado la capacidad legal y administrativa para formar una sociedad totalmente viable basada en el Estado de Derecho, pero es necesario ir más lejos.
We have to ensure in particular that the future Member States have the administrative and legal capacity for operating as part of the Internal Market.
Tenemos que asegurarnos, en particular, de que los futuros Estados miembros tengan capacidad administrativa y jurídica para actuar como parte del mercado interior.