
"just as much" in Spanish

"just as much" in Spanish
just as much{adverb}
That applies to the self-employed just as much as to those in employment.
Este principio se aplica a los trabajadores autónomos tanto como a los trabajadores por cuenta ajena.
Flexible working hours and safety influence tourism just as much as social changes.
Los horarios de trabajo flexibles y la seguridad afectan al turismo tanto como los cambios sociales.
you deserve the prize just as much as I do
te mereces el premio tanto como yo

Context examples for "just as much" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Their work is of just as much benefit to the economy as the work of an employee.
Su trabajo resulta tan beneficioso para la economía como el de un empleado.
This radicalisation will manifest itself just as much in growing Islamic aspirations.
Esta radicalización se manifestará también en las crecientes aspiraciones islámicas.
However, let there be no mistake: that applies just as much to the European Union.
Sin embargo, que quede claro: esto es exactamente igual de aplicable a la Unión Europea.
Not only for criminal affairs, but just as much for civil and trade affairs.
No sólo para cuestiones criminales, sino también para cuestiones civiles y mercantiles.
I have voted with just as much conviction for the amendments to the Pomés Ruiz report.
He votado con el mismo convencimiento a favor de las enmiendas al informe Pomés-Ruiz.
We need just as much information on SMEs as we do on large companies.
Necesitamos tanta información sobre las PYME como sobre las grandes empresas.
Recent events in Libya have shown just how much work remains to be done on this front.
Sucesos recientes en Libia han mostrado cuánto trabajo queda aún por hacer en este frente.
The strategy must involve ethics just as much as it does economics.
En la estrategia a seguir debe integrarse tanto el aspecto ético como el económico.
The government has broken the law just as much as the opposition.
El gobierno ha atentado contra la ley y el orden del mismo modo que la oposición.
We need to hammer home to the Member States just how much they need the European Union.
Tenemos que hacer que los Estados miembros comprendan cuánto necesitan a la Unión Europea.
That applies just as much to the German Government as it does to the southern countries.
Esto es aplicable tanto al Gobierno alemán como a los países del Sur.
However, let there be no mistake: that applies just as much to the European Union.
En los tres, considerados de forma realista y no solo optimista, existen tres grandes diferencias.
We have achieved just as much with regard to energy issues as well.
Ahora estamos adquiriendo y construyendo redes energéticas transeuropeas.
Each has its part to play – the Commission just as much as the Council of Finance Ministers.
Tanto la Comisión como el Consejo de Ministros tienen cada uno su papel.
'Appropriate' applies just as much to the farmers as to the taxpayers.
"Apropiado" es aplicable de igual manera tanto a los productores como a los contribuyentes.
The criterion should either apply just as much to private undertakings, or should not apply at all.
El criterio debe aplicarse por igual a las empresas privadas o no aplicarse a nadie.
However, climate, food and social crises are also making their impact felt just as much.
Sin embargo, las crisis climática, alimenticia y social también están teniendo el mismo impacto.
I hope we will have just as much success during the Hungarian Presidency.
Espero que tengamos tanto éxito durante la Presidencia húngara.
In fact, the same applies just as much to public opinion within the EU Member States.
Sucede lo mismo, por lo demás, en relación con la opinión pública de los Estados miembros de la UE.
It is the large countries just as much as the small that bear the responsibility for this sort of thing.
De esto son responsables por igual tanto los países grandes, como los pequeños.