
"it's on me" in Spanish

"it's on me" in English

Similar translations for "it's on me" in Spanish
yo- - me
Context examples for "it's on me" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Two things jump out at me immediately in hearing the discussion that has gone on.
Dos cosas vienen a mi mente de inmediato al seguir el debate que se ha celebrado.
Let me also touch on the subject of Kozloduy, which has attracted much attention.
Permítanme comentar también el tema de Kozloduy, que ha hecho correr mucha tinta.
(FR) Mr President, at the end of the day, it seems to me that we are very divided.
(FR) Señor Presidente, al final tengo la sensación de que estamos muy divididos.
To conclude what I have to say, let me come back again to the situation in Kosovo.
Para finalizar lo que les he dicho antes, voy a volver a la situación en Kosovo.
Finally, I should like to tell you what has struck me at the end of the debate.
Por último, quisiera decirle lo que me ha llamado la atención al final del debate.
That confirms to me and to all of us that we must vote today. We need Eurodac.
Sus palabras nos reafirman a mí y mi Grupo en que debemos proceder a votar hoy.
It seems to me that Mr Piebalgs was implying that he favoured something similar.
Me parece que el Señor Piebalgs daba a entender que estaba a favor de algo similar.
Let me say a few more words about the economic situation, which you mentioned.
Quiero decir unas palabras más sobre la situación económica, que usted ha citado.
Finally, I should like to give the 20 seconds left to me to the next speaker.
Por último, quisiera ceder los 20 segundos que me quedan a la siguiente oradora.
You said to us: ‘appoint me this week and you will have my programme next year.’
Usted nos ha dicho: «nómbrenme esta semana y tendrán mi programa el año que viene.»
It strikes me as an important topic, if Europe has asked to license this technique.
Me parece una cuestión importante que Europa haya pedido autorizar esta técnica.
Let me say finally that we are very much aware of what many of you have said.
Diré para concluir que tenemos muy en cuenta lo que muchos de ustedes han dicho.
However, this element is not enough to induce me to vote in favour of the report.
Sin embargo, este elemento no es suficiente para que vote a favor del informe.
Let me state clearly that Danish reservations concerning EMU remain 100 % solid.
Permítaseme recalcar que la reserva danesa sobre la UEM se mantiene firme al 100 %.
Let me now raise a number of points which have an important bearing on this debate.
Por ello, quiero exponer algunos puntos que son de importancia en este contexto.
Let me return now to the concentration of aid on the most disadvantaged regions.
Volvamos a la concentración de las subvenciones en las regiones más desfavorecidas.
I asked Sarah if there was anything I can do, she thanked me, and we hung up.
Le pregunte a Sarah si había algo que yo pudiera hacer, me agradecio y colgamos.
Even so, the report seems to me to have a rather 'holier-than-thou ' aura to it.
Por esta razón, creo que el presente informe da muestras de una cierta mojigatería.
It is an honour for me to speak straight after the former Prime Minister of Finland.
Es un honor para mí hablar justo después de la ex Primera Ministra de Finlandia.
If it has, if you have that information, please tell me if it has been approved.
Si es así y dispone de esa información, por favor, dígame si se ha aprobado.