
"informe oral" in English

"informe oral" in English

Context examples for "informe oral" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No fue posible, en una enmienda oral al informe Gomes, mencionar por su nombre a Monseñor Rahho.
It was not possible, in an oral amendment to the Gomes report, to mention Monsignor Rahho by name.
El señor Gargani presentará un informe oral sobre el asunto, en nombre de la Comisión de Asuntos Jurídicos.
Mr Gargani will be presenting an oral report on the matter, on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs.
Por lo tanto, todos los temas que componen este informe y la pregunta oral son de una importancia extrema para nosotros.
So, all of the issues that are part of this report and the oral question are extremely important for us.
En mi informe y mi pregunta oral de hoy he intentado seguir la posición formal que el Parlamento adoptó en esa ocasión.
Parliament's formal position then is the one that I have tried to follow in my report and question today.
Por tanto, me gustaría presentar una enmienda oral al informe Feio que espero que el Parlamento respalde.
I would therefore like to present an oral amendment to the Feio report which I hope that Parliament will be able to support.
(IT) Señor Presidente, señoras y señores, la Comisión de Asuntos Jurídicos me ha autorizado a presentar un informe oral muy breve.
(IT) Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, the Committee on Legal Affairs has authorised me to give a very brief oral report.
Me permitió a mí, como Presidente de la Conferencia Intergubernamental, presentar un informe oral sobre los avances logrados en la Conferencia.
It enabled me, as chairman of the Intergovernmental Conference, to make an oral report on progress at the Conference.
Señor ponente, tal como ha expuesto en su informe oral, muchos de esos puntos van dirigidos a los Estados miembros y no a la Comisión.
Many of these points are addressed not to the Commission but to the Member States, as the rapporteur just said in his oral statement.
Señora Presidenta, quisiera proponer al Pleno que apruebe una enmienda oral al informe sobre Eslovaquia.
Madam President, I should like to ask the House to approve an oral amendment to the Slovakia report, which reads as follows - in German:
¿Cómo imaginar que una decisión tan transcendental como la entrada en vigor de la Unión Económica y Monetaria se adopte a partir de un informe oral?
How can you imagine that such a serious decision as the implementation of economic and monetary union can be carried out on the basis of an oral report?
Señora Presidenta, con vistas a la votación de hoy, yo quisiera presentar una petición, que ya apunté ayer durante el debate oral del Informe sobre la iniciativa EQUAL.
Madam President, I should like to make a request in connection with today's vote which I started to make yesterday during the debate on the EQUAL report.
Señora Presidenta, con vistas a la votación de hoy, yo quisiera presentar una petición, que ya apunté ayer durante el debate oral del Informe sobre la iniciativa EQUAL.
Madam President, I should like to make a request in connection with today' s vote which I started to make yesterday during the debate on the EQUAL report.