
"honra" in English

"honra" in English
honor{noun} [arch.] (chastity)
Me honra adjuntarme a los Artistas para la Paz, promoviendo el mensaje y los programas de UNESCO,” Dijo Hadid.
I am honored to join the Artists for Peace, furthering UNESCO’s important message and programs,” said Hadid.
honour{noun} [Brit.] [arch.] (chastity)
Al no haberla entre los honrados, la honra seguirá estando en el campo de los ladrones.
Unless honest people show honour, the only honour remaining will be in the criminal world.
Por ese motivo, me complace y me honra representar al Consejo en este debate.
For that reason, it is my pleasure and honour to represent the Council in this debate myself.
Fui educado en una civilización ibérica que aún respeta la honra.
I was brought up in an Iberian civilization where honour is still respected.
honrar[honrando · honrado] {transitive verb}
to honour {v.t.}
Simplemente quería honrar al Parlamento y reconocer la labor del Presidente.
Simply, I was trying to honour Parliament by recognising the role of the President.
Distinguir y honrar a los buenos vecinos puede significar que nunca formarán parte de la familia.
To distinguish and honour these good neighbours may mean that they will never be part of the family.
Quiero pedirles que se levanten para honrar la memoria de todos ellos.
I would ask you to rise to honour the memory of these people.
Esa manera de proceder, insoportable para los contribuyentes de los países de Europa, está lejos de honrar a nuestro Parlamento.
This approach is intolerable for Europe's tax payers, and anything but a credit to Parliament.
Este desafío tecnológico honra a nuestros ingenieros.
The response to this technological challenge does credit to our engineers.
Honra a Francia el acompañar a sus socios y a sus aliados en esta provechosa vía.
It is to France's credit that it is supporting its partners and allies in this healthy development.
nos hemos reunido para honrar a los caídos por la patria
we are gathered to honor the glorious dead
Esto sirve, en cierto modo, para honrar su memoria.
This goes some way to honoring his memory.
Me honra adjuntarme a los Artistas para la Paz, promoviendo el mensaje y los programas de UNESCO,” Dijo Hadid.
I am honored to join the Artists for Peace, furthering UNESCO’s important message and programs,” said Hadid.

Context examples for "honra" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Me parece que es un gesto que nos honra a todos y, desde luego, yo pienso apoyarlo.
I believe this is a gesture we can all be proud of and naturally I intend to support it.
y es una semilla de reconciliación, que honra a la autoridad que la
This is a gesture of high humanity and a seed of reconciliation, a gesture which
Me alegro de ello, pero deploro la votación de este Parlamento, que no lo honra.
I welcome this, but I deplore the way that Parliament has voted, which does not do it credit.
Torres Couto pero no nos honra con su presencia.
Mr Torres Couto is now due to speak but he has not graced us with his presence.
Honra a Francia el acompañar a sus socios y a sus aliados en esta provechosa vía.
It is to France's credit that it is supporting its partners and allies in this healthy development.
Hautala no nos honra con su presencia por lo que su pregunta decae.
That question lapses, however, as the author is not present.
tiene a mucha honra el haber recibido el premio de manos del rey
he's very proud of the fact that he was presented with the award by the king
El informe que tengo la honra de presentar resume esas reuniones.
The report I have the privilege of presenting summarizes these meetings.
Señor Comisario, su postura de principio le honra y usted ha tomado las medidas necesarias.
Commissioner, your principled reaction does you credit and you have done what was necessary.
Esto nos honra a todos, aunque para algunos pueda ser esto una pequeña gota de ajenjo en la copa.
It does us all credit, even though some of us may detect a hint of wormwood in the cup.
Le honra haber logrado en Laeken poner cierto orden en ese ejército mexicano.
Credit to you for having succeeded in creating a sense of order in that ill-disciplined army at Laeken.
Considero que si existe un ámbito político en el que realmente podemos ganar honra, es este.
I believe that if there is one area of policy where we can do ourselves credit this is the one.
Este es el único rayo de esperanza en la desesperación que sigue a una votación que no nos honra.
This is the only glimmer of hope in the despair which follows a vote which does us no credit.
ley: « Ponte en pie ante las canas, [...] y honra a tu Dios »
commandment: “You will stand up in the presence of grey hairs [...]
Este desafío tecnológico honra a nuestros ingenieros.
The response to this technological challenge does credit to our engineers.
Señor Presidente, señorías, con el informe LEADER se honra al desarrollo rural.
Thank you, Mr President. Ladies and gentlemen, with the LEADER report, rural development is very much to the fore.
(FR) Señor Presidente, en Finlandia el Presidente Borrell defendió los derechos humanos, y eso le honra.
(FR) Mr President, in Finland President Borrell has, to his credit, championed human rights.
Creo que es un gesto que honra al Parlamento Europeo.
I believe that this gesture is a tribute to the European Parliament.
Y, ciertamente, tu Sustentador honra en verdad con Su favor a los hombres --pero la mayoría de ellos no son agradecidos.
Say; "It may be that a part of what you would hasten is pressing close behind you!
La asociación "Droits devant" se honra de ser no violenta desde su creación, desde hace más de 13 años.
Since its foundation 13 years ago, the " Droits devant" organization takes pride to be non-violent.