
"good one" in Spanish

"good one" in English

Similar translations for "good one" in Spanish
Context examples for "good one" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The compromise package agreed by Parliament and the Council is a very good one.
El paquete de compromiso acordado por el Parlamento y el Consejo es muy bueno.
We think that the Randzio-Plath report is essentially a good one, on the whole.
Pensamos que el informe de la Sra. Randzio-Plath es excelente en su totalidad.
And without Parliament's unity, this agreement would not have been such a good one.
Y sólo el Parlamento unido ha hecho posible que este acuerdo fuese tan positivo.
So that in itself would be one good reason to vote against. But there are others.
Por lo tanto, ésta ya sería una buena razón para votar en contra, pero no es la única.
It is essential that they maintain good relations and support one another.
Es fundamental que mantengan unas buenas relaciones y que se apoyen unos a otros.
I have not come across one good explanation as to why this hassle has to continue.
No he encontrado ninguna buena razón que justifique la persistencia de esta cuestión.
I should like to say that the definition of a drugs-free society is a good one.
Quisiera decir que la definición de una sociedad libre de drogas es buena.
This argument is a good one for lawyers, but we shall refrain from making it.
Este argumento es bueno para abogados, pero nos abstendremos de utilizarlo.
At least the Chinese have one good quality: they make no secret of their plans.
Al menos, los chinos tienen una cualidad positiva: no ocultan sus planes.
The compromise reached during the discussions of the Committee on Culture is a good one.
El compromiso adquirido durante los debates de la Comisión de Cultura es bueno.
I believe that the report drafted by Mr Galeote Quecedo is a very good one.
Creo que es un informe muy bueno el que ha elaborado nuestro colega, el Sr. Galeote.
The motto chosen by the Hungarian Presidency is thus a very appropriate and good one.
Así, el lema elegido por la Presidencia húngara es muy apropiado y positivo.
The report is a good one, and I should like to highlight the following aspects of it.
El informe es bueno, y quisiera destacar los siguientes aspectos del mismo.
The compromise reached during the discussions of the Committee on Culture is a good one.
El compromiso alcanzado durante los debates de la Comisión de Cultura es positivo.
The question now arises of whether the compromise that is on the table is a good one.
La cuestión es ahora si el que tenemos sobre la mesa es un buen compromiso.
Mr President, there is no doubt that the Malerba report is a good one, and well written.
Señor Presidente, el informe del Sr. Malerba es, desde luego, un buen informe.
The Intergovernmental Conference is one very good opportunity for doing just that.
La Conferencia Intergubernamental es una excelente ocasión para hacerlo.
The Commission's proposal is a good one, but it is not sufficiently liberal.
La propuesta de la Comisión es buena, pero no es suficientemente liberal.
That is one good reason why the Constitutional Treaty should, hopefully, be ratified.
Es este un buen motivo por el que espero que sea ratificado el Tratado Constitucional.
The idea that it is the European Central Bank that should do it seems to me a good one.
La idea de que sea el Banco Central Europeo el que se ocupe me parece buena.