
"gasto no obligatorio" in English

"gasto no obligatorio" in English
La modulación facultativa implicaría transferir fondos del gasto obligatorio del presupuesto de la UE al gasto no obligatorio.
Voluntary modulation would entail moving funds from the EU budget's compulsory expenditure to non-compulsory expenditure.
Un gasto no obligatorio está por propia naturaleza sujeto a la libre voluntad del legislador, según las opciones escogidas.
By its very nature, non-compulsory expenditure is subject to the free will of the legislator, depending on the choices made.
Ahora bien, reafirmamos que para nosotros una reserva es siempre un gasto no obligatorio, por lo que deseamos una intervención en la decisión sobre su utilización.
I would state my view once again, however, that we consider a reserve always to be non-compulsory expenditure, as we want to be able to intervene in decisions on its use.

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Context examples for "gasto no obligatorio" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por ser un gasto no obligatorio, estoy seguro de que el Parlamento asumirá también en este caso sus responsabilidades.
Since this is non-mandatory expenditure, I feel sure that Parliament will also shoulder its responsibilities in this area.
La modulación facultativa implicaría transferir fondos del gasto obligatorio del presupuesto de la UE al gasto no obligatorio.
Voluntary modulation would entail moving funds from the EU budget's compulsory expenditure to non-compulsory expenditure.
Un gasto no obligatorio está por propia naturaleza sujeto a la libre voluntad del legislador, según las opciones escogidas.
By its very nature, non-compulsory expenditure is subject to the free will of the legislator, depending on the choices made.
Ahora bien, reafirmamos que para nosotros una reserva es siempre un gasto no obligatorio, por lo que deseamos una intervención en la decisión sobre su utilización.
I would state my view once again, however, that we consider a reserve always to be non-compulsory expenditure, as we want to be able to intervene in decisions on its use.