
"fulminante" in English

"fulminante" in English
fulminante{adjective masculine/feminine}
"fulminante" in Spanish
fulminante{adjective masculine/feminine}
recibió un golpe fulminante y cayó al suelo
he received a crushing blow and fell to the ground
sus palabras tuvieron un efecto fulminante
her words had an immediate and devastating effect
Si esos hechos hubieran tenido lugar en cualquier otra parte del mundo, habríamos esperado una condena fulminante de la comunidad internacional.
If that had happened anywhere else in the world we could have expected immediate condemnation by the international community.
En otoño de 2008 vivía en Londres con mi familia por motivos académicos y asistí en directo a la caída fulminante de la libra esterlina, un 30 % en pocas semanas.
In the autumn of 2008, my family and I were living in London for academic reasons and I was a direct witness of the pound sterling's sudden drop of 30% over the course of a few weeks.
una mirada fulminante
a withering look
explosive{adj.} (dramatic)
knockdown{adj.} (in boxing)
knockout{adj.} (blow, punch)
fulminant{adj.} [tech.]
El terrorismo es una infección fulminante en el cuerpo de nuestra sociedad.
Terrorism is a fulminant infection in the body of our society.
fulminante{adj.} (enfermedad)
Terrorism is a fulminant infection in the body of our society.
El terrorismo es una infección fulminante en el cuerpo de nuestra sociedad.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "fulminante":
Context examples for "fulminante" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Sin duda, la crítica fulminante de los resultados de Niza.
Certainly the strong, even damning, criticism of the outcome of Nice was a factor.
Bien, Irlanda ha hecho justo eso, y su voto negativo supone la defunción fulminante del Tratado de Lisboa.
Well Ireland did just that, and their 'no' vote therefore kills the Lisbon Treaty stone dead.
recibió un golpe fulminante y cayó al suelo
he received a crushing blow and fell to the ground
sus palabras tuvieron un efecto fulminante
her words had an immediate and devastating effect
le dirigió una mirada fulminante
he looked at her with an angry glower
fue despedido de manera fulminante
he was dismissed without warning
fue despedido de manera fulminante
he was summarily dismissed
lanzó un tiro fulminante
he hit a thundering shot
una mirada fulminante
a withering look
La defensa europea, y los sones militaristas que han acompañado su establecimiento fulminante, para mí, tampoco puede dar a la aventura europea el soplo esperado.
Neither is the European defence force, along with the military language that has accompanied its miraculously rapid creation, able to give the European adventure the boost that it needs.