
"fregar platos" in English

"fregar platos" in English

Context examples for "fregar platos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
oye, monada, hoy te toca fregar los platos que yo lo hice ayer
listen buddy, it's your turn to do the dishes, I did them yesterday
fregar los platos
to do the washing-up
fregar los platos
to wash the dishes
fregar los platos
to do the dishes
fregar los platos
to wash up
Al acabar la guerra fría, los jóvenes del país, atraídos por la buena vida que prometía Occidente, huyeron en desbandada a fregar platos, y sólo se quedaron sus mayores.
After the end of the cold war, young people from my country, enticed by the promises of good life in the West, rushed in crowds to do dish-washing and only their old parents stayed back home.