
"freedom fighter" in Spanish

"freedom fighter" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "freedom fighter":
Similar translations for "freedom fighter" in Spanish
Context examples for "freedom fighter" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Take the freedom fighter Mandela, now President of South Africa.
Baste mencionar la lucha de Mandela, el actual Presidente de Sudáfrica.
It is sometimes said that one person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter.
A veces se dice que quien para una persona es un terrorista para otra es un luchador por la libertad.
UNESCO restores the house of African freedom fighter Amilcar Cabral Cabral is Africa’s Che Guevara.
La UNESCO restaura la casa del luchador por la libertad africana Amilcar Cabral Cabral es el Ché Guevara de África.
All this former freedom fighter's political actions now have just one goal: how to stay in power at any cost.
Todas estas acciones políticas de los antiguos luchadores por la libertad tienen ahora un solo objetivo: permanecer en el poder a toda costa.
In one of his outstanding poems, our freedom-fighter and poet honours the memory of those heroes "Who died for you, sacred world freedom!”
En uno de sus destacados poemas, nuestro luchador por la libertad y poeta honra la memoria de aquellos héroes "que murieron por ti, sacrosanta libertad mundial".
President Mugabe, a former freedom fighter and national hero, has degenerated into a dictator, who guards his own power jealously, and a criminal, and this needs to be analysed.
El Presidente Mugabe, un antiguo luchador por la libertad y héroe nacional, ha degenerado en un dictador, que conserva poder celosamente, y un criminal, y esto hay que analizarlo.
I wonder if this is due to the arrogance of a former, although once respected, African freedom fighter, or to his ignorance of the sociological and political evolution of his country.
Me pregunto si ello se debe a la prepotencia de un antiguo, aunque entonces respetado "freedom fighter" africano, o a la ignorancia de la evolución sociológica y política en su propio país.
I wonder if this is due to the arrogance of a former, although once respected, African freedom fighter, or to his ignorance of the sociological and political evolution of his country.
Me pregunto si ello se debe a la prepotencia de un antiguo, aunque entonces respetado " freedom fighter " africano, o a la ignorancia de la evolución sociológica y política en su propio país.
We would ask you to agree to our request to remember this very committed journalist and pioneering fighter for freedom and human rights in Chechnya by observing a minute's silence.
Nos gustaría que respaldaran nuestra solicitud de recordar a esta periodista tan comprometida y pionera en la lucha por la paz y los derechos humanos en Chechenia guardando un minuto de silencio.