
"luchadora" in English

"luchadora" in English
Es usted una luchadora que resiste hasta el último minuto.
You are a last-minute resistance fighter.
es una luchadora nata
she's a born fighter
González ha sido una valiente luchadora por los ciudadanos españoles y sobre todo por el medio ambiente de su amado país.
Mrs González has undoubtedly been a doughty fighter for the citizens of Spain and particularly for the environment of her beloved country.
scrapper{noun} [Amer.] [coll.]
Y eso no es óbice para que fuera un luchador antifranquista y condenara el franquismo.
This was not an obstacle to my being an anti-Franco fighter and condemning the Franco system.
A veces se dice que quien para una persona es un terrorista para otra es un luchador por la libertad.
It is sometimes said that one person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter.
La UNESCO restaura la casa del luchador por la libertad africana Amilcar Cabral Cabral es el Ché Guevara de África.
UNESCO restores the house of African freedom fighter Amilcar Cabral Cabral is Africa’s Che Guevara.
scrapper{noun} [Amer.] [coll.]
wrestler{noun} [sports]
el luchador rebotó contra las cuerdas
the wrestler bounced off the ropes
scrappy{adj.} [Amer.] [coll.] (full of fight)

Context examples for "luchadora" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Muchas gracias, señora Rothe, incansable luchadora, por este buen trabajo.
Many thanks, Mrs Rothe, you tireless campaigner, for this good piece of work.
Señora Bonino, por lo demás usted es una luchadora.
Mrs Bonino, you are normally so full of fighting spirit.
es una luchadora nata
she's a born fighter
Por este motivo, si no se retiran en su forma actual, se presentarán contra la oposición combativa y luchadora del mundo agrícola con el fin de impedir su aplicación.
That is why, if they are not withdrawn as they stand, they will come up against the combative, fighting opposition of the agricultural world in order to avert their implementation.