
"flexibilizar las normas" in English

"flexibilizar las normas" in English
to bend the rules{vb} [idiom]
flexibilizar las normas
to bend the rules

Context examples for "flexibilizar las normas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Creemos que el es regular una Europa sin reglas, en cambio sí estamos a favor de flexibilizar las normas europeas.
We believe that the opt-out would be proper in a Europe without rules, but we are nevertheless in favour of making European rules flexible.
El informe sometido hoy a votación va dirigido a flexibilizar las normas en vigor, ya que en la actualidad hay disponibles vacunas inactivadas.
The report voted on today aims to make the current rules more flexible, as inactivated vaccines have now become available.
flexibilizar las normas
to bend the rules
La señoraFrassoni dijo igualmente que no hemos obrado con la precisión necesaria a la hora de flexibilizar las normas de concesión de visados para los países balcánicos.
MrsFrassoni also said that we have not been precise enough with regard to the relaxation of visa rules for the Balkan countries.
La señora Frassoni dijo igualmente que no hemos obrado con la precisión necesaria a la hora de flexibilizar las normas de concesión de visados para los países balcánicos.
Mrs Frassoni also said that we have not been precise enough with regard to the relaxation of visa rules for the Balkan countries.