
"seguir las normas" in English

"seguir las normas" in English
{verb} [idiom]
to go by the book{vb} [idiom]
seguir las normas
to go by the book

Context examples for "seguir las normas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El mundo no siempre es tan fácil para aquellos que deben seguir las normas y procedimientos que contribuimos a diseñar.
The world is not, of course, always so easy for those who have to follow the rules and procedures we are involved in devising.
seguir las normas
to go by the book
Debemos seguir las normas que nosotros mismos hemos fijado, y debemos escuchar a los expertos a quienes pedimos que valoren el cumplimiento o no de nuestros criterios.
We must follow the rules we ourselves have set, and we must listen to the experts whom we are asking to assess whether our criteria have, or have not, been fulfilled.
En caso de sospecha de irregularidades cometidas dentro de la Comisión, estamos obligados a seguir las normas para el personal administrativo y el protocolo de inmunidad especial.
As far as suspected cases of irregularities within the Commission are concerned, we are obliged to follow the staff regulations and the protocol on special immunities.