
"entrar en erupción" in English

"entrar en erupción" in English
to erupt{v.i.} (volcano, geyser)
El Presidente de Moldova ha declarado que Transdniéster se asemeja a un volcán que, al igual que ha sucedido en Georgia, podría entrar en erupción en cualquier momento.
The President of Moldova has said that Transnistria resembles a volcano which, like the events in Georgia, could begin erupting at any time.

Context examples for "entrar en erupción" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El Presidente de Moldova ha declarado que Transdniéster se asemeja a un volcán que, al igual que ha sucedido en Georgia, podría entrar en erupción en cualquier momento.
The President of Moldova has said that Transnistria resembles a volcano which, like the events in Georgia, could begin erupting at any time.