
"diputado independiente" in English

"diputado independiente" in English

Context examples for "diputado independiente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Quizá se podría rectificar para que se me reconozca como diputado Laborista independiente que comparte escaño con los Verdes en el Parlamento.
Perhaps we could have it corrected to recognize that I am an independent Labour member who sits with the Green Group in the Parliament.
He presentado, en nombre de mi Grupo, la enmienda 1, que es muy razonable y a la que podría adherirse cualquier diputado independiente.
On behalf of my group, I tabled Amendment 1, which is a very sensible amendment and one to which every independent Member could easily be won over.
(DE) Señora Presidenta, quiero informar a la opinión pública y a los responsables acerca de un caso indignante de obstruccionismo del trabajo de un diputado independiente al Parlamento Europeo.
(DE) Madam President, I should like to inform the public and those responsible of an outrageous case of obstructing the work of an independent Member of the European Parliament.