
"desguazar barcos" in English

"desguazar barcos" in English

Context examples for "desguazar barcos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Habría que desguazar estos barcos en lugar de mejorarlos para contribuir a una sobreexplotación continua de los recursos pesqueros.
Such vessels should be scrapped rather than upgraded to contribute to continued overfishing.
Muchos más pescadores se enfrentarán al hecho de tener que desguazar sus barcos porque no podrán pescar más.
Considerably more fishermen will be faced with having to scrap their vessels because they will not be able to fish any more.
Lo que sí deseamos es que los pescadores que deseen desguazar sus barcos dispongan de un mayor apoyo del que dispusieron en el pasado.
What we do want is that fishermen who actually want to do that should get better support from us than they have had in the past.