
"data capture" in Spanish

"data capture" in English
If I am to grasp how the Internet and data capture work, however, I must first understand the underlying technology.
Pero para comprender cómo funciona Internet y la captura de datos, antes he de entender la tecnología que subyace.

Context examples for "data capture" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The amendment to this directive will make data capture by type of goods mandatory.
La enmienda de esta directiva hará obligatoria la recogida de datos por tipo de mercancías.
If I am to grasp how the Internet and data capture work, however, I must first understand the underlying technology.
Pero para comprender cómo funciona Internet y la captura de datos, antes he de entender la tecnología que subyace.
However, one particular fear that arises from this, and which has frequently been discussed in our debates, is that of the capture of data.
Sin embargo, un temor particular que se deriva de esto y que ha salido a relucir frecuentemente en nuestros debates es la recopilación de datos.
Directive 2009/42/EC, which is currently in force, makes provision for data capture for statistics on maritime transport on a voluntary basis.
La Directiva 2009/42/CE, actualmente en vigor, prevé la recopilación de datos de forma voluntaria para las estadísticas sobre transporte marítimo.