
"contestando" in English

Empezaré contestando a la Sra. Karamanou.
I shall start by answering Mrs Karamanou.
Aunque su ausencia ha resultado desafortunada de cara al debate, he tratado de sustituirle aclarando argumentos y contestando preguntas.
Whilst that really was unfortunate for the debate, I have tried to stand in for him by clarifying arguments and answering questions.
En aras del argumento, supongamos que su esposa le ayuda en las noches con las tareas administrativas y contestando el teléfono en casa.
For argument's sake, let us say his wife would be helping him in the evenings with the paperwork and answering the phone from home.
to cheek[cheeked · cheeked] {v.t.} [Brit.] [coll.]
to get[got · got] {v.t.} [coll.] (to answer)
Me acabo de enterar de esto por el Parlamento e intentaré contestar a mi regreso.
I have just learned of the matter through Parliament and I will make sure that I reply when I get back.
"¿qué le va a contestar?
Why so many animals stored without ever getting to market? ' what will he reply?
¿qué le va a contestar?
Why so many animals stored without ever getting to market?' what will he reply?
Aprovecharé también esta oportunidad para contestar a la pregunta de la Sra.
I will also take this opportunity to respond to Madame Carlotti's question.
Aprovecharé también esta oportunidad para contestar a la pregunta de la Sra.
I will also take this opportunity to respond to Madame Carlotti' s question.
Skinner ha hecho una pregunta concreta a la que me gustaría contestar.
Mr Skinner asked a particular question and I would like to respond to it.
to talk back {vb} (be disrespectful)
¿cómo te atreves a contestar así a tu madre?
how dare you talk back to your mother like that?
¿Puedo contestar las tres al mismo tiempo, o tengo que contestar pregunta a pregunta?
I can answer all three together, or do I have to answer each question individually?
SeñorPresidente, quiero contestar a la segunda pregunta complementaria.
Mr President, I should like to answer the second supplementary question.
Quisiera contestar de la siguiente manera a la pregunta del diputado Bart Staes.
I should like to answer the question of the honourable Member Bart Staes as follows.
Señor Presidente, intentaré contestar a la mayoría de las preguntas.
Mr President, I will try to reply to most of the questions.
Ha habido una pregunta, que puede contestar la Sra. Presidenta del Consejo.
There has been a question, to which the President of the Council may reply.
Señor Titley, le voy a contestar brevemente para no perjudicar a los demás diputados.
Mr Titley, I will reply briefly so as not to inconvenience the other MEPs.
Tal vez podría contestar por escrito e indicar cómo están tratando otros Estados miembros esta polémica cuestión.
Perhaps you could write to me stating how other Member States are handling that contentious issue.
Desgraciadamente, numerosos Estados miembros son lentos a la hora de contestar a nuestras solicitudes de información.
Unfortunately, many Member States are being slow to respond to our request for information.
En el acta consta que usted me ha contestado que emprenderá los pasos necesarios.
The Minutes state that your response to me was that you would take the steps necessary to achieve this.
El Presidente de la Comisión Europea contestó afirmativamente.
The Commission President confirmed that it would.
La Presidenta contesta que se trataba de una verificación
The President replied that the vote was confirmed

Synonyms (Spanish) for "contestar":
Context examples for "contestando" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Contestando a la pregunta del señor Zwiefka, sin duda hablamos con los bancos.
In answer to Mr Zwiefka's question, we will certainly talk to the banks.
– Señor Presidente, quisiera comenzar contestando a los comentarios del Sr.
Mr President, I wish to begin by reacting to Mr Titley's remarks.
Muchos de nosotros hemos contestado y todavía seguimos contestando con un "no".
Many of us answered, and still answer today, in the negative.
– Señor Presidente, quisiera comenzar contestando a los comentarios del Sr.
Mr President, I wish to begin by reacting to Mr Titley's remarks.
Pero contestando a su pregunta concreta,¿qué vamos a hacer?
But to answer your actual question, what are we going to do?
Señor Sasi, le damos las gracias por el gran esfuerzo que ha realizado hoy contestando a todas las preguntas.
Mr Sasi, we thank you for the great effort that you have made today in response to all of the questions.
Señora Presidenta, brevemente, empezaré contestando a las últimas reflexiones de mi buen amigo, el Sr.
Madam President, I shall begin by responding briefly to the last comments of my good friend, Mr Swoboda.
Permítanme también comenzar comentando y contestando algunos de los principales argumentos de este debate.
Allow me also to begin by commenting on and responding to a couple of the most important arguments in this debate.
Con estas propuestas estamos contestando a ello.
These proposals are a response to that.
Empezaré contestando a la Sra. Karamanou.
I shall start by answering Mrs Karamanou.
Voy a intentar dar respuesta a las cuestiones que se plantean, sin con ello pretender entrar en detalle contestando específicamente a cada uno de ustedes.
I am going to try, without claiming to respond in detail to each one of you.
Además, esta mañana, perdimos media hora contestando estas urgencias, recortando otro tanto un debate esencial.
This morning we wasted half an hour protesting about that emergency debate which cut down the time we had left for this debate.
Y en segundo lugar, contestando con una gran rapidez a la propuesta del Parlamento al respecto.
We in Parliament had requested it, but we expected the Council - or the governments - to disagree. Secondly, Parliament's proposal on the matter received a prompt reply.
En aras del argumento, supongamos que su esposa le ayuda en las noches con las tareas administrativas y contestando el teléfono en casa.
For argument's sake, let us say his wife would be helping him in the evenings with the paperwork and answering the phone from home.
De Miguel, contestando con sensibilidad a la pregunta oral H-0950/01
In his considered response to my oral question H-0950/01
Aunque su ausencia ha resultado desafortunada de cara al debate, he tratado de sustituirle aclarando argumentos y contestando preguntas.
Whilst that really was unfortunate for the debate, I have tried to stand in for him by clarifying arguments and answering questions.
Creo que no me dejo nada importante en el tintero y si así fuera, estoy seguro que contestando a las preguntas de sus Señorías todo quedará claro.
I believe I have left nothing out, but if I have, I am sure that everything will become clear when I reply to your questions.
. - Señor Presidente, empezaré contestando algunas preguntas concretas y luego abordaré las más generales.
President of the Commission. - Mr President, I will try to start by answering some concrete questions and will then address the more general ones.
Quisiera comenzar, no por el informe más importante, sino contestando a unas alusiones del Sr.
I would like to begin, not with the most important report, but by replying to the comments of Mr Kuhne which I really consider to be unfortunate.
Contestando una pregunta concreta, no creo que podamos tener éxito a largo plazo sin contar con una serie de instrumentos y una serie de acciones políticas.
To answer a direct question, I do not believe that we shall tackle this matter successfully in the long term if we do not have access to a range of tools and a range of political initiatives.