
"con destreza" in English

"con destreza" in English
con destreza{adjective}
dexterously{adj.} (move, work)
dextrously{adj.} (move, work)

Similar translations for "con destreza" in English
Context examples for "con destreza" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
– Quiero agradecer a la señora Bauer su informe elaborado con destreza.
– I would like to thank Mrs Bauer for her skilfully prepared report.
Acojo con beneplácito los tres planes que con tanta destreza ha descrito el Sr.
I welcome the three schemes which Mr Pronk has so ably described.
El ponente, seńor Őry, ha manejado el tema con destreza, sin causar divisiones entre los Estados miembros.
The rapporteur, MrŐry, has handled this topic skilfully, without causing division among the Member States.
El ponente, seń or Ő ry, ha manejado el tema con destreza, sin causar divisiones entre los Estados miembros.
The rapporteur, MrŐ ry, has handled this topic skilfully, without causing division among the Member States.
Por lo general, la OSCE suele llegar mucho antes, porque cuenta con más experiencia, destreza y personal experto.
In general, the OSCE is there a lot earlier on, because it has more experience, skill and very experienced experts.
controló el balón con destreza
he controlled the ball skillfully
con gran destreza
very skillfully
Señora Presidenta, anuncio por tanto el voto favorable de mi Grupo a este dictamen que con tanta destreza y talento ha elaborado el Sr.
Madam President, I would therefore like to say that my group will vote in favour of this assent which Mr Gil Robles has drawn up with such skill and dexterity.
En cualquier caso, son el Tratado de Lisboa y la Carta los instrumentos que permanecerán como testamento duradero de una Presidencia gestionada con destreza, eficacia y estilo.
But it is the Treaty of Lisbon and the Charter that will endure as the lasting testament to a Presidency managed with skill, efficiency and charm.
Aplaudo el trabajo realizado por la señora Sudre, que, de forma incansable y con gran destreza, determinación y compasión, habla en nombre de las regiones ultraperiféricas.
I applaud the job done by Mrs Sudre which, unremittingly and with a great deal of skill, determination and compassion, speaks up on behalf of the outermost regions.
Almeida Garrett porque ha sabido construir con gran destreza su posición y ha conseguido una mediación inteligente.
A special thank you goes to Mrs Almeida Garrett, who has succeeded in putting her case with great ability, and has also been successful in conducting intelligent mediation.
Quisiera congratular a Alan Macartney por la destreza con que ha conseguido mantener esta cuestión ante la Comisión y cerciorarse de que hoy habría una declaración sobre el particular.
I would like to congratulate Alan Macartney for his dexterity in keeping this matter before you as a Commission and making sure that we got a statement today.
La ha promovido con tanta destreza, con tal delicadeza en sus actuaciones y con una conducta tan elegante que lamentamos mucho que su presencia hoy sea la última como Presidente.
You have done it with exceptional skill and finesse and displayed a refinement of conduct which makes all of us regret that today marks your last appearance here as president.