
"civil partner" in Spanish

"civil partner" in English

Context examples for "civil partner" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Thirdly, what we want is to move towards global agreements which encompass all stakeholders and the representatives of civil society in the partner countries.
En tercer lugar, lo que queremos es llegar a acuerdos globales que incluyan a todos los interesados y representantes de la sociedad civil de los estados socios.
When a person dies, some countries pay a death grant (also known as bereavement payment) to the surviving next-of-kin (widow, widower, civil partner, children or other relative).
Cuando fallece una persona, algunos países ofrecen un subsidio por defunción a los familiares sobrevivientes (viudo, viuda, pareja registrada, hijos, etc.).
Furthermore, the majority of these resources must be allocated with a view to involving civil society in the partner countries in common projects and to supporting the mobility of their citizens.
Además, la mayoría de estos recursos deben asignarse con miras a la participación de la sociedad civil de los países asociados en proyectos comunes y apoyar la movilidad de sus ciudadanos.