
"Central Africans" in Spanish

It is obviously the case that Chad and the Central African Republic are not democracies.
Obviamente, Chad y la República Centroafricana no son democracias.
ESDP operation in eastern Chad and the north of the Central African Republic (debate)
Operación PESD al Este del Chad y al Norte de la República centroafricana (debate)
At this moment there are 1 800 EUFOR soldiers in Chad and the Central African Republic.
En este momento existen 1 800 soldados de EUFOR en Chad y la República Centroafricana.
It is obviously the case that Chad and the Central African Republic are not democracies.
Obviamente, Chad y la República Centroafricana no son democracias.
The events in the Central African Republic are also an extension of the war in Congo.
Los acontecimientos en la República Centroafricana son también una prolongación de la guerra en el Congo.
Situation in the Central African Republic
Situación en la República Centroafricana
centroafricanos{adj. m pl}
In this way the regime covering central African countries is extended to all products granted to the Andean countries for duty exemption.
Así, se hace extensivo el régimen de los países centroafricanos a la totalidad de los productos concedidos a los países andinos con exención de derechos.
centroafricana{f} (gentilicio)
It is obviously the case that Chad and the Central African Republic are not democracies.
Obviamente, Chad y la República Centroafricana no son democracias.
ESDP operation in eastern Chad and the north of the Central African Republic (debate)
Operación PESD al Este del Chad y al Norte de la República centroafricana (debate)
At this moment there are 1 800 EUFOR soldiers in Chad and the Central African Republic.
En este momento existen 1 800 soldados de EUFOR en Chad y la República Centroafricana.
centroafricano{m} (gentilicio)
At this moment there are 1 800 EUFOR soldiers in Chad and the Central African Republic.
En este momento existen 1 800 soldados de EUFOR en Chad y la República Centroafricana.
It is obviously the case that Chad and the Central African Republic are not democracies.
Obviamente, Chad y la República Centroafricana no son democracias.
In recital C, it is stated that the conflict in Darfur is increasingly destabilising the Central African region.
El considerando C afirma que el conflicto en Darfur está desestabilizando la región centroafricana cada vez más.
{proper noun}
It is obviously the case that Chad and the Central African Republic are not democracies.
Obviamente, Chad y la República Centroafricana no son democracias.
ESDP operation in eastern Chad and the north of the Central African Republic (debate)
Operación PESD al Este del Chad y al Norte de la República centroafricana (debate)
At this moment there are 1 800 EUFOR soldiers in Chad and the Central African Republic.
En este momento existen 1 800 soldados de EUFOR en Chad y la República Centroafricana.

Synonyms (English) for "Central African Republic":