
"central bank" in Spanish

The Central Bank will be independent, but it will not be able to be irresponsible.
El Banco Central será independiente, pero tendrá que ser responsable.
Firstly, to enhance and underscore the independence of the European Central Bank.
Primera, del fortalecimiento de la independencia del Banco Central Europeo.
The European Central Bank has certainly been the most responsive central bank.
Y ciertamente, el Banco Central Europeo ha sido la entidad bancaria central más responsable.
Firstly, to enhance and underscore the independence of the European Central Bank.
Primera, del fortalecimiento de la independencia del Banco Central Europeo.
Unfortunately, the US is complicit in this matter with the European Central Bank.
Por desgracia, los EE.UU. son cómplices en la materia con el Banco Central Europeo.
After that, the European Central Bank will start to apply its monetary policy.
Posteriormente, el Banco Central Europeo iniciará su política monetaria.
Firstly, to enhance and underscore the independence of the European Central Bank.
Primera, del fortalecimiento de la independencia del Banco Central Europeo.
Unfortunately, the US is complicit in this matter with the European Central Bank.
Por desgracia, los EE.UU. son cómplices en la materia con el Banco Central Europeo.
After that, the European Central Bank will start to apply its monetary policy.
Posteriormente, el Banco Central Europeo iniciará su política monetaria.
{proper noun}
Firstly, to enhance and underscore the independence of the European Central Bank.
Primera, del fortalecimiento de la independencia del Banco Central Europeo.
Unfortunately, the US is complicit in this matter with the European Central Bank.
Por desgracia, los EE.UU. son cómplices en la materia con el Banco Central Europeo.
After that, the European Central Bank will start to apply its monetary policy.
Posteriormente, el Banco Central Europeo iniciará su política monetaria.
{proper noun}
That makes 17 representatives of the European System of Central Banks.
Es decir, diecisiete representantes del sistema europeo de bancos centrales.
Together they form the European System of Central Banks (ESCB).
Todos ellos forman el Sistema Europeo de Bancos Centrales (SEBC).
The future European System of Central Banks will prevent it happening.
El futuro Sistema Europeo de Bancos Centrales lo impedirá.

Context examples for "central bank" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The European Central Bank's response of providing liquidity was a positive one.
La respuesta del Banco Central Europeo de proporcionar liquidez ha sido positiva.
Unfortunately, the US is complicit in this matter with the European Central Bank.
Por desgracia, los EE.UU. son cómplices en la materia con el Banco Central Europeo.
They must not interfere with or undermine the independence of the central bank.
No deben obstaculizar ni poner en peligro la independencia del Banco Central.
The European Central Bank no longer suffers from a lack of financial credibility.
El Banco Central Europeo ya no padece un déficit de credibilidad financiera.
Every national central bank may decide when, where and how much will be produced.
Cada banco central nacional puede decidir cuándo, dónde y cuánta será la producción.
Firstly, to enhance and underscore the independence of the European Central Bank.
Primera, del fortalecimiento de la independencia del Banco Central Europeo.
Welcome too to Mr Trichet, President of the European Central Bank, and to Mr Juncker.
Bienvenidos señor Trichet, presidente del Banco Central Europeo, y señor Juncker.
In view of this, the European Central Bank's mission and powers must be redefined.
En este espíritu, la misión y el poder del Banco Central han de redefinirse.
Deferred payment of capital, reserves and provisions of the European Central Bank
Pago diferido del capital, reservas y provisiones del Banco Central Europeo
Parliament suggested that the European Central Bank might supervise the EIB.
El Parlamento sugirió que el Banco Central Europeo pudiera supervisar al BEI.
In addition, this House inspired more confidence than the European Central Bank.
Además, esta Cámara inspiraba más confianza que el Banco Central Europeo.
The European Central Bank has built up its credibility through consistent policies.
El Banco Central Europeo ha aumentado su credibilidad mediante políticas coherentes.
My report in no way threatens the independence of the European Central Bank.
Mi informe en modo alguno amenaza la independencia del Banco Central Europeo.
Appointment of a member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (
Nombramiento de un miembro del Comité Ejecutivo del Banco Central Europeo (
We have a Central Bank which establishes interest rates on the basis of inflation.
Disponemos de un Banco Central que fija los tipos de interés a partir de la inflación.
It can therefore be said that the European Central Bank has performed very well.
Por consiguiente, puede afirmarse que el Banco Central Europeo ha hecho bien su trabajo.
We criticised the Stability Pact and the functioning of the European Central Bank.
Hemos criticado el Pacto de Estabilidad y el funcionamiento del Banco Central Europeo.
However, there is one matter where the Central Bank needs to take the lead.
Pero hay un aspecto en el que le incumbe al Banco Central un protagonismo especial.
On these two points we must have serious discussions with the European Central Bank.
En base a estos dos puntos debemos mantener un diálogo intenso con el Banco Central.
However, in its activities the European Central Bank will be completely independent.
Sin embargo, el Banco Central Europeo será totalmente independiente en su actuación.