
"casi todo" in English

"casi todo" in English
casi todo{adverb}
Personalmente pienso que casi todo lo que expone el informe es acertado.
Personally I think that almost everything the report says is on the right track.
Señor Presidente, Alto Representante, hoy se ha dicho casi todo.
Mr President, High Representative, almost everything has been said today.
Casi todo lo que ha ocurrido se ha hecho por deseo, por presión del Parlamento.
Almost everything which took place was at the request of and at the insistence of Parliament.

Similar translations for "casi todo" in English
Context examples for "casi todo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En algunos países, el empleo ilegal representa casi el 15 % de todo el empleo.
In some countries, unlawful employment accounts for almost 15% of all employment.
Compartimos estos sentimientos; creo que son compartidos por casi todo el mundo.
We share these sentiments; I think they are shared by pretty much everyone.
(HU) Casi todo el sector agrícola europeo se encuentra en una situación de crisis.
(HU) Almost the entire agricultural sector in Europe is in a state of crisis.
En segundo lugar, el equipo: se ha dicho todo lo posible sobre el equipo, o casi todo.
Secondly, the team: everything possible has been said about the team, or almost.
Se pide a la cooperación al desarrollo que lo haga casi todo y cualquier tipo de cosa.
People expect development cooperation to be able to do anything and everything.
En el debate del Parlamento de hoy, casi todo el mundo ha apoyado los mismos valores.
In the debate in Parliament today, almost everyone stood by the same values.
Disgusta a casi todo el mundo, empezando por los que se ha dado en llamar pequeños países.
It upsets almost everyone, beginning with those known as the smaller countries.
Estoy de acuerdo prácticamente con casi todo lo que se ha dicho esta tarde.
I would agree with virtually everything that has been said this afternoon.
Señor Presidente, la enmienda oral propone la sustitución de casi todo el apartado 22.
Mr President, the oral amendment regards the replacement of almost all of paragraph 22.
Se trata de una situación cómoda para casi todo el mundo, excepto los ciudadanos.
That is an agreeable situation for nearly everyone but the citizen.
Después de que se haya dicho casi todo, quisiera plantear cinco cuestiones sintéticamente.
Now that everything has been said, may I put five questions in summary form.
Su intervención ha sido breve y amable, pero a estas alturas ya se ha dicho casi todo.
His contribution was short and sweet but at this stage most of the talking has been done.
en el Oriente y en el Occidente durante casi todo el primer milenio de la
Tradition of the Church and the common patrimony of East and West during
Por lo tanto, la utilización de menos plaguicidas más inocuos beneficia a casi todo el mundo.
Therefore, using less and safer pesticides is in the interests of almost everyone.
Casi en todo el planeta, el mundo musulmán se siente humillado, acosado, asediado.
Almost everywhere on the planet the Moslem world is feeling humiliated, harassed and besieged.
Pero, según la ponente, todo iría casi a pedir de boca, pues ello estimula la« competitividad».
The Right has attempted to remove these emphases, fortunately without success.
Señor Presidente, a esta altura del debate se ha dicho ya casi todo.
Mr President, at this stage of the debate virtually everything has already been said.
Los estibadores estuvieron aquí esta semana, y casi lo destrozan todo.
The dockers were here this week, and they almost did destroy everything.
Señor Presidente, a estas alturas del debate, ya se ha dicho casi todo.
Madam President, at this stage in the debate, virtually everything has already been said.
Attwool y decir que coincido casi todo lo que ha dicho.
I too want to congratulate Mrs Attwooll and say that I agree with most of what she said.