
"by-election" in Spanish


Synonyms (English) for "by-election":
Context examples for "by-election" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Thank you, Mrs Svensson, for taking part in this election and for our discussions.
Gracias, Eva-Britt Svensson, por participar en esta elección y por los debates.
It was not until 1996 that Taiwan had its first democratic presidential election.
Hasta 1996 Taiwán no tuvo sus primeras elecciones presidenciales democráticas.
That, at least, is the impression you gave in the election campaign in Sweden.
Ésta es al menos la impresión que dio usted durante la campaña electoral sueca.
In other words, do not send election observers there for an illegitimate election.
Es decir, que no envíen observadores electorales a unas elecciones ilegítimas.
During the election campaign there will be many lies told about the European Union.
Durante la campaña para las elecciones se han contado muchas mentiras sobre la UE.
I know that Mrs Read does not intend to stand for re-election to this House.
– Tengo entendido que la Sra. Read no va a presentarse candidata a esta Asamblea.
Mr President, your speech today shows the value of the open election campaign.
Señor Presidente, su discurso de hoy muestra el valor de la lucha electoral abierta.
I am sure that young people in Finland, at least, would support his election.
Estoy segura de que las personas mayores de Finlandia sí apoyarían su nombramiento.
It is important to keep in mind that another election campaign is under way too.
Es importante no perder de vista que hay otra campaña electoral en marcha.
Mr President, allow me, first of all, to congratulate you on your election.
Señor Presidente, permítame en primer lugar darle la enhorabuena por su elección.
(PL) Mr President, I congratulate you on your election, and on a good speech.
(PL) Señor Presidente, le felicito por su designación y por el buen discurso.
We have, today, reached a decision on the election of the European Ombudsman.
Hoy hemos tomado una decisión en la elección del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo.
That figure should, as a minimum, be retained at the forthcoming election in June.
Como mínimo, esa cifra se debe mantener en las próximas elecciones de junio.
We have to go before the constitutional court or the election commission.
Primero tenemos que acudir al tribunal constitucional o a la comisión electoral.
I said just now what I thought of the context of this election; I was critical of it.
Acabo de decir lo que pensaba del contexto de esta elección, que he criticado.
Mr President, I would like to start by congratulating you on your re-election.
Señor Presidente, en primer lugar quisiera felicitarle por su renovación en el cargo.
and the ministry that, with my acceptance of my election as Bishop of Rome and
que con la aceptación de la elección a Obispo de Roma y Sucesor del Apóstol
Europe is providing our biggest ever aid to support the election process.
Europa está proporcionando más ayuda que nunca para apoyar el proceso electoral.
I simply hoped that all the active political forces would participate in the election.
Simplemente, esperé que todas las fuerzas vivas participaran en las elecciones.
Mr President, on behalf of our group I would like to congratulate you on your election.
Señor Presidente, en nombre de nuestro grupo, deseo felicitarle por su elección.