
"blended wine" in Spanish

"blended wine" in Spanish

Context examples for "blended wine" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Blended wine is not rosé; it is a mixed white.
El vino combinado no es rosado: es una mezcla de blanco.
Personally, I feel that labelling will not suffice or, if labelling is used, this type of blended wine must not be called 'rosé'.
Personalmente, pienso que el etiquetado no será suficiente o, si se utiliza, este tipo de vino mezclado no puede denominarse "rosado".
If another solution is not found, these drinks' labels should be required at least to reflect their true content: 'blended wine' or 'mixture of wines'.
Si no encontramos otra solución, al menos se debería exigir que las etiquetas de estas bebidas reflejen su verdadero contenido: "vino mezclado" o "mezcla de vinos".