
"biological weapon" in Spanish

"biological weapon" in English
There are questions that Hans Blix has raised, and which we also have to put before the public: what about the anthrax, which is a biological weapon?
Hans Blix ha planteado algunas preguntas, que nosotros también debemos formular de cara al público:¿Qué se ha hecho del carbunco, que es un arma biológica?
There are questions that Hans Blix has raised, and which we also have to put before the public: what about the anthrax, which is a biological weapon?
Hans Blix ha planteado algunas preguntas, que nosotros también debemos formular de cara al público: ¿Qué se ha hecho del carbunco, que es un arma biológica?
The threat biological weapons pose requires an appropriate multilateral response.
La amenaza que constituyen las armas biológicas exige una respuesta multilateral apropiada.
Thirdly, biological weapons have been used in the recent past.
En tercer lugar, las armas biológicas se han utilizado en un pasado reciente.
It is believed still to possess biological weapons, illicit ballistic missiles and chemical weapons.
Se cree que sigue poseyendo armas biológicas, misiles balísticos ilícitos y armas químicas.

Synonyms (English) for "biological weapon":
Context examples for "biological weapon" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
There are questions that Hans Blix has raised, and which we also have to put before the public: what about the anthrax, which is a biological weapon?
Hans Blix ha planteado algunas preguntas, que nosotros también debemos formular de cara al público:¿Qué se ha hecho del carbunco, que es un arma biológica?
There are questions that Hans Blix has raised, and which we also have to put before the public: what about the anthrax, which is a biological weapon?
Hans Blix ha planteado algunas preguntas, que nosotros también debemos formular de cara al público: ¿Qué se ha hecho del carbunco, que es un arma biológica?