
"administrative personnel" in Spanish

"administrative personnel" in English

Context examples for "administrative personnel" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The MAP 2000 project complements this in the personnel and administrative field.
El proyecto MAP 2000 constituye su complemento en el ámbito del personal y la administración.
The activities of the EIT will be steered by a Governing Board of scientific and administrative personnel.
Una Junta de Gobierno formada por miembros del personal científico y administrativo dirigirá las actividades del IET.
Simple mathematics demonstrate that the legal and administrative personnel simply do not have the training.
La lógica aplastante de los números demuestra que el personal judicial y administrativo no cuenta con la formación adecuada.
Thirdly, I should like to stress that most of the budget, two thirds of it at least, should be earmarked for programmes and not for administrative or personnel requirements.
En tercer lugar, quiero recalcar que la mayor parte del presupuesto, al menos dos terceras partes del mismo, deberían asignarse a programas y no a requisitos administrativos o de personal.