
"administrative accounting" in Spanish

"administrative accounting" in English

Context examples for "administrative accounting" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
If European integration is to reacquire momentum and win the trust of the citizens, it cannot be encaged in administrative and accounting perceptions.
Si queremos que la integración europea recupere ritmo y se gane la confianza de los ciudadanos, no puede encasillarse en percepciones administrativas y contables.
These reforms will have to be aimed at making for easier reading of the applicable rules and reducing bureaucratic and administrative burdens, especially in accounting.
Estas reformas tendrán que orientarse a facilitar la lectura de la normativa aplicable y a reducir las cargas burocráticas y administrativas, sobre todo en materia de contabilidad.
These amendments will, inter alia, introduce the principle of proportionality, which means that the administrative and accounting requirements should be proportional to the size of the grant.
Estas enmiendas introducen, entre otros, el principio de proporcionalidad, que significa que los requisitos administrativos y contables deben ser proporcionales a la cuantía de la subvención.