
"action potential" in Spanish

"action potential" in English

Context examples for "action potential" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We must take firm action against the potential counterfeiting of products which are wrongly labelled.
Debemos tomar medidas firmes contra la falsificación potencial de productos que estén mal etiquetados.
Decision making in the European Union and its potential for action cannot be allowed to weaken as a result of enlargement.
No se puede permitir que los procedimientos de toma de decisiones o las posibilidades de actuación de la Unión Europea se debiliten a causa de la ampliación.
If the health of citizens is put at risk, then political debate is pointless and the authorities must take action against the potential polluter.
Si se pone en peligro la salud de los ciudadanos, el debate político resulta inútil y las autoridades deben adoptar medidas contra el posible contaminador.
It is the responsibility of the Member States, however, to adopt practical measures for effective preventative action and potential reactive action in the event of a terrorist attack.
Pero corresponde a los Estados miembros adoptar las medidas concretas para la acción práctica de prevención y posible reacción en caso de atentado terrorista.