
"aborto ilegal" in English

"aborto ilegal" in English
Sin embargo, es importante que el aborto sea legal y seguro, así como excepcional, ya que ésa es la única forma de luchar contra el aborto ilegal.
However, it is important that abortion is legal and safe, as well as exceptional, as this is the only way to combat illegal abortion.
Sin embargo, pese a la notoria escasez de recursos, Portugal ha desviado importantes recursos judiciales y de investigación a un objetivo distinto: el castigo del aborto ilegal.
Nonetheless, in spite of notoriously scant resources, Portugal has been diverting important investigation and legal resources into a different objective: punishing illegal abortion.

Context examples for "aborto ilegal" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En virtud de ese artículo de la Constitución, el aborto es ilegal en Irlanda.
Under this constitutional article, abortion is illegal in Ireland.
Sabe usted, el aborto es ilegal, hasta el tercer mes en Austria.
You see, abortion is legal – up to the third month in Austria.
En los casos en que el aborto no sea ilegal, debe ser seguro y formar parte de un amplio servicio de salud reproductiva.
When abortion is not against the law, it should be safe and part of a comprehensive reproductive health service.
Se pidió a los gobiernos que en ninguna circunstancia tomaran medidas legales contra las mujeres que recurren al aborto ilegal.
Governments were called upon to avoid taking legal action, under any circumstances, against women having illegal abortions.
– Señor Presidente, el mero hecho de que el aborto en Portugal sea ilegal en la mayoría de los casos, ello no significa que no sea necesario allí.
Mr President, just because abortion in Portugal is illegal in most cases, it does not mean that it is not needed there.
– Señor Presidente, el mero hecho de que el aborto en Portugal sea ilegal en la mayoría de los casos, ello no significa que no sea necesario allí.
Mr President, just because abortion in Portugal is illegal in most cases, it does not mean that it is not needed there.
Sin embargo, es importante que el aborto sea legal y seguro, así como excepcional, ya que ésa es la única forma de luchar contra el aborto ilegal.
However, it is important that abortion is legal and safe, as well as exceptional, as this is the only way to combat illegal abortion.
Sin embargo, pese a la notoria escasez de recursos, Portugal ha desviado importantes recursos judiciales y de investigación a un objetivo distinto: el castigo del aborto ilegal.
Nonetheless, in spite of notoriously scant resources, Portugal has been diverting important investigation and legal resources into a different objective: punishing illegal abortion.