
"written agreement" in Spanish

"written agreement" in English

Context examples for "written agreement" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Prior mutual written agreement is necessary for the purposes of transparency.
Si se desea transparencia, es necesario un acuerdo mutuo previo por escrito.
Why does the Commission fail to talk now about the alternatives which were written into the Cotonou Agreement?
¿Por qué la Comisión no habla ahora acerca de las alternativas que figuran en el Acuerdo de Cotonú?
Written into that new agreement was a peer review.
Este nuevo acuerdo incluye un mecanismo de supervisión.
there was no actual written agreement
no hubo un acuerdo escrito propiamente dicho
It will not be possible to export genetically modified organisms unless there is written agreement from the receiving countries.
No se podrán exportar organismos modificados genéticamente si no hay un acuerdo escrito de los países receptores.
Initially it took the form of a public written agreement and then, once the Commission had sent letters of warning, of a secret oral agreement.
Adoptó, en primer lugar, la forma de un acuerdo escrito público y, luego, de un acuerdo oral secreto una vez que la Comisión enviara cartas de advertencia.
This is a priority area in our relationships with ACP countries - written into the Cotonou Agreement - and with other regions such as Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe.
Constituye un área prioritaria en nuestras relaciones con los países ACP -reflejadas en el Acuerdo de Cotonú- y con otras regiones como Asia, Latinoamérica y Europa Oriental.