
"verosimilitud" in English

authenticity{noun} (of depiction, description)
feasibility{noun} (of a story, excuse)
plausibility{noun} (of excuse)
Tenemos que juzgar la verosimilitud de situaciones futuras, tal como el desvío del curso de la corriente del golfo, que puede dar origen a una nueva era glacial.
We are to assess the credibility of future scenarios which involve actually diverting the Gulf Stream and perhaps encountering a new ice age.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "verosimilitud":
Context examples for "verosimilitud" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
una historia con muy pocos visos de verosimilitud
a story which seems to bear little resemblance to reality
Cornelissen, y será la referente a la verosimilitud de que la opción 1B sea útil y funcione.
I would like to respond to at least one of Mr Cornelissen's other questions, and that is relating to whether 1B will work.
Son los argumentos y documentos del Consejo de Europa los que son esenciales, debemos basarnos en su trabajo para alcanzar verosimilitud.
It is the argument and evidence of the Council of Europe which are fundamental; and this is the work we must take as a basis if we are to be credible.
Personalmente, creo que sería un acto de locura que Irlanda ingresase en la UEM si Gran Bretaña se queda fuera, posibilidad que cobra cada vez mayor verosimilitud.
I also believe it will be an act of folly for Ireland to join EMU if Britain remains outside, as appears increasingly likely.
Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, toda esta información es demasiado detallada y verosímil, y usted mismo confirma su verosimilitud, como para no creerla.
Mr President, Commissioner, all of this information is overly detailed and convincing, and you too speak in such a convincing manner that it is almost tempting not to believe you.
Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, toda esta información es demasiado detallada y verosímil, y usted mismo confirma su verosimilitud, como para no creerla.
Mr President, Commissioner, all of this information is overly detailed and convincing, and you too speak in such a convincing manner that it is almost tempting not to believe you.