
"authenticity" in Spanish

"authenticity" in Spanish
That is why they should be defending the authenticity of this product.
Por eso mismo, deberían defender la autenticidad de ese producto.
requirements which support the authenticity of a call to the diaconate.
los requisitos que confirman la autenticidad de una llamada al diaconado.
But simplifying standards does not mean less quality or authenticity.
Pero simplificar los criterios no quiere decir que haya menos calidad o autenticidad.

Synonyms (English) for "authenticity":
Context examples for "authenticity" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
misunderstandings, is supremely helpful in discerning the authenticity of a
constante entre carisma y cruz; es precisamente la cruz la que, sin justificar
contemplation and the authenticity of the means which foster that search,
en la contemplación y de los medios para conseguirla, y se debe
its authenticity was established beyond any doubt
quedó establecido, de modo indubitable, su autenticidad
On the one hand, they are passionately searching for authenticity,
Por un lado, buscan apasionadamente
Firstly, it proposes the adoption of a regulation improving the transparency and authenticity of quality marks.
Primeramente, propone la adopción de una reglamentación que mejore la transparencia y la veracidad de las marcas.
Only yesterday he said that much of the evidence against O'Dell was debatable and its authenticity unverified.
Ayer, por cierto, manifestó que muchas de las pruebas en contra de O'Dell son discutibles y no se aprecia su veracidad.
I vouch for the authenticity of the document
doy fe de que el documento es auténtico
It would be unreasonable to require importers to conduct their own investigations, particularly in cases where there is no reason to doubt the authenticity of the certificate.
No se puede pretender que el propio importador realice las pesquisas apropiadas, y menos cuando el certificado no es motivo de duda.
Not content with checking the authenticity of the signatures and counting them, it has cooperated with the groups in getting Members to withdraw their signatures.
Algunos de nuestros colegas diputados están debatiendo de nuevo el asunto Eurostat para desacreditar a las instituciones europeas en general y, en particular, a la Comisión y a su Presidente.