
"trascendido" in English

Quisiera declarar que este proyecto de reglamento ha trascendido a la opinión pública, y ello es preocupante.
I would like to tell you that this draft regulation has been leaked to the public, and that is worrying.
La dimensión política de tal marco podría trascender perfectamente la Política Europea de Vecindad.
The political dimension of such a framework could well transcend the European Neighbourhood Policy.
Trascienden las fronteras estatales y los intereses nacionales.
They transcend state borders and national interests.
No supo o no quiso abrir su horizonte a lo nuevo, trascender lo material.
He could not or did not want to open his horizons to new things and transcend the material.
Existen ciertamente argumentos subjetivos que trascienden las fronteras políticas.
There are certainly material arguments here which go beyond political bounds.
Sin embargo, debemos abordar una serie de cuestiones que trascienden estas medidas de emergencia.
We need, however, to address a number of issues which go beyond these emergency measures.
trascender de algo
to go beyond sth
to cut across {vb} (cross boundaries of)
No trasciende la divisiσn social; afecta principalmente a los sectores mαs pobres, a las bases de la sociedad.
It does not cut across the social divide; it mainly affects the poorer, grass-roots sections of society.
Las catástrofes naturales trascienden las fronteras y sus consecuencias ambientales afectan también a los países vecinos.
Natural disasters cut across borders and their environmental consequences also affect neighbouring countries.
El sistema de valores de la Constitución Europea también implica que la armonización de la legislación trascienda a todo el sistema judicial penal.
The European Constitution’s system of values also implies that the harmonisation of legislation must cut across the entire criminal justice system.

Context examples for "trascendido" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La única diferencia es que la cuestión de Estrasburgo ha trascendido a los medios de comunicación.
The only difference is that the Strasbourg issue has found its way into the media.
Incluso dentro de este Parlamento resulta que ese importante hecho no ha trascendido lo suficiente.
Even this Parliament does not seem to be sufficiently convinced of this important fact.
El ejercicio ha trascendido la mera codificación y por eso se trata de una versión "refundida" .
The exercise has gone beyond a pure codification and that is why this is a 'recast' version.
El ejercicio ha trascendido la mera codificación y por eso se trata de una versión " refundida ".
The exercise has gone beyond a pure codification and that is why this is a 'recast ' version.
hasta ahora no ha trascendido el nombre del nuevo inspector
the name of the new inspector has not yet been made known
este descontento ha trascendido a todas las capas de la sociedad
this discontent has pervaded all levels of society
hasta ahora no ha trascendido el nombre del nuevo inspector
it is not yet known who is to be the new inspector
con ello ha trascendido del ámbito de su autoridad
in this he has overstepped his authority
ahora ha trascendido que esto no era cierto
it has now emerged that this was not true
No podemos sino celebrar que, en esta Cámara, la lucha por los derechos humanos haya trascendido las fronteras partidistas.
One can only be delighted to see that, in this Chamber, the fight for human rights has transcended partisan borders.
. - Señora Presidenta, el debate ha trascendido definitivamente el ámbito de este acuerdo de asociación voluntaria.
Member of the Commission. - Madam President, the debate definitely went beyond the scope of this Voluntary Partnership Agreement.
ha trascendido que …
it has emerged that …
según ha trascendido
according to reports
Para concluir, señor Presidente, como se ha dicho y es importante recalcarlo, se trata de una lucha que a lo largo del debate ha trascendido las divisorias políticas.
To conclude, Mr President, this is a fight that, as has been said and as it is important to emphasise, has transcended political divides throughout the debate.
Ha trascendido el hecho de que existe un grupo de grandes entidades financieras que colaboran con varios peces gordos y dictadores locales en la opresión de sus propios pueblos.
It has emerged that there is a group of large financial corporations that collaborates with various bigwigs and local dictators to oppress their own people.