
"to be infested with" in Spanish

"to be infested with" in Spanish

Similar translations for "to be infested with" in Spanish
Context examples for "to be infested with" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
infested with sth
infestado de algo
We are starting to ask ourselves what we get in return for this money - swine fever, hormone-treated calves, dioxin-infested hens and now the BSE epidemic.
Progresivamente hemos empezado a preguntarnos qué obtenemos a cambio. La peste porcina, terneras tratadas con hormonas, pollos con dioxinas y ahora la epidemia de la EEB.
There are also areas of the Mediterranean Sea where it is virtually impossible to fish with a line because the bottom is absolutely infested with drift nets.
No es menos cierto que en el mar Mediterráneo existen zonas donde la pesca con palangre deviene prácticamente imposible porque el fondo está absolutamente plagado de redes de deriva.