
"to be ill" in Spanish

"to be ill" in Spanish

Similar translations for "to be ill" in Spanish
Context examples for "to be ill" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
She suffered chronic ill health as a result of being detained and is now recovering.
Contrajo una enfermedad crónica a raíz de la detención y ahora se está recuperando.
People who are seriously ill are turned back and medical staff beaten up.
Los enfermos graves son devueltos a sus casas y el personal médico es agredido.
"Couldn't we stipulate that animals which fall ill have to be treated but not eaten?"
"¿No podríamos establecer que los animales que enferman se deben curar y no comer?"
I believe that our governments would do well to revoke this ill-starred agreement.
Creo que nuestros gobiernos estarían bien inspirados si anularan este funesto acuerdo.
Overall, MrBonde’s amendments have to be characterised as ill thought-out.
En general, las enmiendas del señor Bonde deben considerarse mal planteadas.
I am abstaining out of respect for the Irish workers ill-treated by globalisation.
Me abstengo por respeto a los trabajadores irlandeses maltratados por la globalización.
There never seems to be an ill wind that cannot blow the European Union some good.
No parece haber nunca un mal que por bien no venga para la Unión Europea.
At present, we are just dressing up savings products in a very ill-defined way.
Actualmente no hacemos más que disfrazar productos de ahorro de manera muy mal definida.
I would hope that these amendments will never be needed because nobody will fall ill.
Desearía que nunca se hiciese uso de esas enmiendas porque nadie enfermase.
. - Mental ill health affects a staggering one in four people.
por escrito. - La enfermedad mental afecta de media a una de cada cuatro personas.
Europe is facing a considerable challenge, and is ill-prepared to meet it.
Europa se encuentra ante un importante desafío y está mal preparada para afrontarlo.
" Could n't we stipulate that animals which fall ill have to be treated but not eaten?
"¿No podríamos establecer que los animales que enferman se deben curar y no comer? "
It bodes extremely ill for the improvement of law-making for that to be the case.
Esto no augura nada bueno para la mejora de la legislación si es así.
After all, it is an ill wind and it will give the campaign added interest.
Después de todo –no hay mal que por bien no venga–, ello dará más interés a la campaña.
The free trade agreements concluded in this context are ill-considered in my view.
En mi opinión, los acuerdos de libre comercio celebrados en este contexto son irreflexivos.
Akin Birdal was free at just that particular time because of what was termed 'ill health' .
Justamente en ese momento Akin Birdal estaba en libertad por su "mala salud" .
What assurances can we have that the flying public will not be ill-served by this measure?
¿Qué garantías tenemos de que esa medida no redundará en perjuicio de los viajeros?
don't eat that, it'll make you ill — don't worry, I'm as tough as old leather
no comas eso que te hará mal — no te preocupes, bicho malo nunca muere
I think that laying the blame on those who are ill is both inhumane and unchristian.
Creo que culpar a los que están enfermos es inhumano y poco cristiano.
Mr President, I am replacing my colleague, Mr Hammerstein Mintz, who is ill.
. – Señor Presidente, sustituyo a mi colega, el señor Hammerstein Mintz, que está enfermo.