
"to be daunted" in Spanish

"to be daunted" in Spanish

Similar translations for "to be daunted" in Spanish
Context examples for "to be daunted" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
he was daunted by all the obstacles they put in his way
las múltiples dificultades que le pusieron lo amilanaron
she isn't daunted by problems
no se arruga ante los problemas
she felt daunted by the danger
se amilanó ante el peligro
he's not daunted by anything
nada lo achica
We must not be daunted by Haiti; rather, we should view it as a challenge and a laboratory of transition for the EU in its cooperation with the ACP countries.
No debemos dejar intimidarnos por Haití, sino verlo como un desafío y un laboratorio de transición para la UE en su cooperación con los ACP.
Finally, let me say that we in Parliament are not daunted or diverted by the idea that the European Parliament should only be concerned with the adoption of legislation and not with its follow-up.
Por último, permítaseme decir que en el Parlamento no nos arredra ni nos distrae la idea de que el Parlamento Europeo sólo deba preocuparse de la aprobación de la legislación y no de su seguimiento.