
"baffle" in Spanish

"baffle" in English
to baffle[baffled · baffled] {transitive verb}
Even moving the implementation of the agreements to 2002 has baffled us.
Nos desconcierta asimismo el aplazamiento de la entrada en vigor de los acuerdos hasta el año 2002.
In fact I am baffled and dismayed by his approach.
En realidad, su enfoque me desconcierta y me consterna.
I feel that the concerns of Cyprus and Spain are legitimate, but I am baffled by the apprehensions raised by the Romanian and Slovakian political elites.
Opino que las preocupaciones de Chipre y España están justificadas, aunque me desconciertan los reparos manifestados por las élites políticas de Rumanía y Eslovaquia.
baffle(also: bafle)
speaker{noun} (of hi-fi)

Context examples for "baffle" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
slit abrasive resistance baffle
placa de desviación ranurada resistente al abrasivo
they managed to baffle their pursuers
consiguieron despistar a sus perseguidores
to baffle sb.
anonadar a alg.
“In a room where every single detail has been so thought out—right down to the last piece of wood in the last baffle—there’s no way we were going to compromise with the console.”
“En un espacio donde se ha pensado cada detalle, hasta la más mínima pieza de madera del revestimiento… de ninguna manera íbamos a transigir con la consola”.