
"tax band" in Spanish

"tax band" in English

Context examples for "tax band" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We propose allowing taxes to vary and fluctuate within a broad tax band, providing scope for the Member States’ own judgments without dispensing with what is good about the proposal.
La competencia fiscal, estoy de acuerdo, puede ser algo bueno, pero no si el medio ambiente sufre las consecuencias.
We propose allowing taxes to vary and fluctuate within a broad tax band, providing scope for the Member States’ own judgments without dispensing with what is good about the proposal.
Proponemos permitir que los impuestos varíen y fluctúen en una banda fiscal ancha, dejando espacio para los propios juicios de los Estados miembros sin prescindir de lo bueno de la propuesta.