
"swarming" in Spanish

"swarming" in Spanish
hervoroso{adj.} (de actividad)
swarm(also: hive)
The investment banks were like a swarm of locusts in an open field.
Los bancos de inversión eran como un enjambre de langostas en un campo abierto.
a swarm of reporters
un enjambre de periodistas
And from that swarm of interests, planning should emerge as a policy to restore the balance of European spatial areas and policies.
Y de este enjambre de intereses debe surgir la ordenación del territorio como política reequilibradora de los espacios y de las políticas europeas.
swarm(also: hordes)
bandada{f} [Mex.] (de personas)
cardumen{m} [coll.] (de insectos)
cardume{m} [coll.] (de insectos)
manga{f} [LAm.] (de langostas)

Synonyms (English) for "swarm":
Context examples for "swarming" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
it's swarming with mosquitos here in the summer
aquí pululan los mosquitos en verano
the beaches were swarming with tourists
las playas eran un hormiguero de turistas
the beaches were swarming with tourists
las playas estaban plagadas de turistas
the cellar is swarming with rats
en la bodega hay un chinguero de ratas
the fair was swarming with people
la feria era un hormiguero de gente
the place was swarming with flies
el lugar estaba lleno de moscas