
"washing machine" in Spanish

"washing machine" in Spanish
Just knowing how to use the washing machine is not enough.
Saber cómo utilizar una lavadora no es suficiente.
I was mopping up the water that was coming out of the washing machine
recogía el agua que se salía de la lavadora
to make a note of the measurements of the washing machine
anota las medidas de la lavadora

Synonyms (English) for "washing machine":
Context examples for "washing machine" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
a washing machine comes into its own when you have children
cuando tienes niños te das cuenta de lo que vale una lavadora
Good work from a man who has admitted he has only used a washing machine twice in his life.
Una buena labor por parte de un hombre que ha confesado que solo ha utilizado una lavadora dos veces en su vida.
I was mopping up the water that was coming out of the washing machine
recogía el agua que se salía de la lavadora
Just knowing how to use the washing machine is not enough.
Saber cómo utilizar una lavadora no es suficiente.
Under the current directive, it is possible for a consumer to buy a washing machine which floods out his entire kitchen.
Basándose en la directiva actual, es posible que un consumidor compre una lavadora, que inunde toda su cocina.
to make a note of the measurements of the washing machine
anota las medidas de la lavadora
we'll soon recoup the cost of the washing machine
en poco tiempo amortizaremos la lavadora
this washing machine is more trouble than it's worth
estamos arreglados con esta lavadora
the washing machine will soon pay for itself
en poco tiempo amortizaremos la lavadora
why isn't the washing machine spinning?
¿qué le pasa a la lavadora que no centrifuga?
how do you cope without a washing machine?
¿cómo te las arreglas sin lavadora?
the washing machine is making a funny noise
la lavadora hace un ruido extraño
it's not worth running the washing machine
no vale la pena poner la lavadora
this space is for the washing machine
este hueco es para la lavadora
We are of course in favour when it comes to the physical world, the forces of nature: a washing machine, a car... nobody is against those patents!
Se ha confundido patentar libremente de forma ilimitada con la innovación, dos cosas que nada tienen que ver.
the washing machine is broken
la lavadora está estropeada
he put the washing in the machine
cargó la lavadora
he loaded the washing machine
cargó la lavadora
We are of course in favour when it comes to the physical world, the forces of nature: a washing machine, a car ... nobody is against those patents!
Estamos a favor, obviamente, cuando se trata del mundo físico, las fuerzas de la naturaleza: una lavadora, un coche... ¡nadie está en contra de estas patentes!
The first is about consumers being able to make better-informed choices when they take out credit loans: to pay for a family wedding, a washing machine or a new car - the things of life.
La primera es que los consumidores podrán elegir con mejor conocimiento de causa a la hora de suscribir préstamos: para pagar una boda familiar, una lavadora o un coche nuevo; cosas cotidianas.