
"vitalizar" in English


Context examples for "vitalizar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El texto de compromiso del Parlamento Europeo no podrá contribuir mucho a vitalizar el mercado común, por lo menos no mientras la Estrategia de Lisboa siga operando.
The European Parliament’s compromise text will be able to contribute little to energising the common market, at least not while the Lisbon Strategy is still in operation.
El texto de compromiso del Parlamento Europeo no podrá contribuir mucho a vitalizar el mercado común, por lo menos no mientras la Estrategia de Lisboa siga operando.
The European Parliament ’ s compromise text will be able to contribute little to energising the common market, at least not while the Lisbon Strategy is still in operation.